Programme resources

Here you will find various downloadable and printable pages of programme resources. Some have been updated from Scouting archives but most have been submitted by District Groups and Units.
You can clik on the link below to jump to the list of items if you cannot see them on the right here -->

The content here is organised by the type of activity. The files have been converted to Adobe PDFs so are easy to download, read and print.
Click on the link to download. Care has been taken to ensure that information is correct but, like all people, we sometimes make mistakes. Dont winge and whine but tell us instead so we can correct the issue. You may find that items appear in more than one place, dont worry we know what we are doing. We will be adding to this resource and it will grow into a library for all Leaders. If you want to contribute an idea/project/game then email us.


Harpenden and Wheathampstead District Scouts

District Commissioner, 65 Station Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 4XF

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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